How Interferential-therapy is safely dealt by expert therapists?

Low-frequency stimulation can now improve your sports injuries easily and quickly. In this respect, Interferential-therapy needs to be adopted as the most significant option. Interferential therapy machine is specially designed for minimizing patients’ pain and inflammation without affecting soft muscle-tissues.

Chronic pains are simply unbearable and they can be now efficiently managed only with IFT. Post-surgical or traumatic pains can be easily handled by IFT. In fact, IFT is the best solution that can reduce pain to a great extent and offers great relief to patients. Non-invasive and drug-free healing can be received from the concerned therapy.

For receiving improved and faster results, daily treatments for multiple times are needed. Since interferential therapy machine price has come down, therefore, the device can be easily obtained for treating acute pains. Now, the device can be purchased with ease from any reliable dealer online. Since the process involves a lot of precautions, therefore, a perfect clinical environment is required.

Working principle of interferential-therapy:

Surface-nerves are being stimulated well for blocking nerve-signals. IFT is applied only on targeted or affected areas for maintaining a deep and consistent stimulation. If you think that only pain gets blocked then it is wrong but both inflammation and swelling get blocked at the same time. 4000HZ carrier-wave is inserted for overcoming skin-impedance.

A perfect diagram needs to be created by therapists first so that the procedure can be smoothly conducted without any mess. The therapist has to determine the actual trouble and them only the procedure pattern can be decided. Two-signals of varied frequencies are usually involved so that they can interfere with each other for producing therapeutic and low-frequency current.

Movable-electrodes are usually used by therapists for determining or deciding best electrode-position. The position needs to be optimized well otherwise electrodes cannot be properly connected. Vectored fields are used only by costly devices. These devices not only help the electrodes to focus more but also cater to faster results. On the other hand, treatment time can also be minimized as a result of which the procedure gets completed faster.

Interference-frequency effects:

  • 2Hz: short-term pains can be relieved well.
  • 10Hz: Immune-system will get improved and patients will become much relaxed.
  • 130Hz: Endorphin production gets stimulated facilitating local-anaesthesia and long-term pain relief.
  • 1 to 100Hz: Inflammatory-rate will get increased.
  • 45 to 90Hz: Blood-supply can be increased and on the other hand sympathetic nervous-system will get depressed resulting in enhanced parasympathetic-activity.

Low-frequency interference basically leads to these effects and this is why physiotherapists can safely and easily deal with the same for treating different kinds of painful conditions.

Special warnings:

  • Safe-levels should be maintained for maintaining current-density otherwise IFT-therapy procedure might get interrupted and your might experience dangerous consequences. To be more precise, probable or associated risks can be easily avoided.
  • IFT-signals get deeply penetrated and this is why electrodes need to be placed properly for making the current flown properly.

Only experienced and licensed therapists should be hired for receiving absolutely flawless or error-free results.

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