What is TENS unit and how is it important?

Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation is the process to override or even in some cases block the signals that are being sent to the spinal cord or brain through nerves. In this process, the pain messages will be altered and get diversified in turn getting relieved from the pain either for short duration or longer time duration. This process just does not stop by relieving the pain but puts a step further to improve the local circulation and also helps in reducing muscle spasm. Hence, in most of the circumstances such as injuries or surgeries, physical therapists will take the help of TENS machine. So, that Physical Therapy Tens Units can help the patients to get relieved when they are suffering from the acute pain.

Importance of TENS unit in Physical Therapy

A TENS unit is given more importance just after the surgeries or injuries because in this process a patient will get rid of surgical anesthesia drugs from their body and at the same time gives the required pain relief through its working. This is one of the best ways to help a patient with severe chronic pains which is useful and safest method.  It also acts well when used for treating the cancer patients, cancer-related pain, phantom-limb pain, migraine or chronic headaches. Athletes are the only people who are highly benefitted through TENS unit, as it is helpful in treating their soft tissue injuries, sprains that are caused during their tournaments or practice. TENS can also be used along with the other treatments as well as pain controls such as relaxation therapy, physical therapy, massage therapy, analgesics, spinal manipulation and others.

What are the benefits acquired from TENS unit?

The benefits acquired from the TENS unit through Physical therapy are as mentioned below:

  1. The first and the foremost benefit of using TENS unit is relief in the pain.
  2. Using this device, one can see the increase in functionality and motion.
  3. If there are any injuries occurred than this device works well in healing it.
  4. Using this device will allow the user to reduce the intake of pain relievers along with other analgesic drugs.
  5. There will be a change in sleep patterns after using a TENS unit, which is positive.
  6. One of the most important benefits a user can observe increases in the blood circulation.

The functionality of TENS unit

TENS unit exact work mechanism is still unknown, but there are some ideas on how this device will work. One of the ideas of its working is that TENS device will block pain nerves or else there will be increasing in secreting levels on the pain-reducing substances, that are present in the Central Nervous System.  The other idea in which this device works is by altering pain messages so as to provide relief from the pain either it can be temporarily or else even permanently.

In the above sections, it has briefly given information about what is TENS unit, the importance of physical therapy tens units and benefits of it.

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