Heat Machine to Cure You of Ailment

In the field of physiotherapy, many devices are used to help the patient overcome the health issues he faces. The diathermy unit is also one of such devices.

Definition of diathermy

It is said to be the therapeutic treatment that is given for treatment of joint and muscle problems. In this process, a high-frequency electric current is employed to rouse or stimulate heat generation in the tissues of the body.

The heat can assist in different processes that include an increase in the flow of blood, improvement in the mobility of tissues when they begin to heal, and easing of pain.

Types of diathermy

There are found three chief kinds of diathermy as shortwave, microwave, and ultrasound.


In this form of diathermy, the professionals utilize high-frequency electromagnetic energy for the generation of heat. It could be used in the form of pulsed or continuous form of energy waves. It has been employed to care for pain in kidney stones and in cases of the pelvic inflammatory disease. It is generally utilized in conditions that give pain and cause muscle spasms like strains, sprains, tenosynovitis, and bursitis.Diathermy machine manufacturers make machines that give better use and are found to be quality products to treat these conditions.


In this kind of diathermy, microwaves are utilized for generation of heat in the body. This type of diathermy is employed to uniformly warm deep tissues without causing heat effect to the skin. In view of the fact that it is not able to go in the deep muscles, it is suitable for the areas that fall closer to the skin for example shoulder. Diathermy machine manufacturers India produces machines that comprise all necessary features that can cover all important aspects and give the patients relief.


This type of diathermy makes use of sound waves for treating deep tissues. The heat gets generated due to the vibration of the tissues. This facilitates the flow of blood into the affected area. It is utilized in conditions as strains, muscle spasms, musculoskeletal sprains, neuromas, and joint contractures or adhesions.

Working of diathermy

In this method of treatment, high-frequency electric current is used to create heat deep inside the tissue that is targeted. It can penetrate as deep as two inches the surface of the skin. In this treatment, heat is not directly applied to the body, but the waves thus created let the body produce heat within the area under treatment.

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