Interferential Current therapy- Naturally Healing Process

The medical science has developed a number of branches that deal with different areas as far as the human body is concerned. One of such important branches is the Physiotherapy that deals with the muscles and helps the patients who suffer from restricted movement of the body parts due to different reasons. It can be due to age, trauma or even an accident. The muscles when get damaged the concerned part of the body cannot move and work effectively. To make the same normal this branch uses different devices and therapies as well as exercises under the supervision of an expert. This expert is as good as a doctor and is called physiotherapist.

Interferential current therapy is a well known effective therapy option adopted by many physiotherapy clinics to accelerate the self -healing process, relieve pain, getting the body back to pain- free state. In this therapy method, high- frequency current signals are passed through the skin into the deep-lying tissues.

The interferential therapy is done with a device known as the interferential therapy unit. It is a commonly used device for physiotherapy; interferential therapy unit price depends on the size of the equipment. The Interferential Therapy Unit Price varies from place to place.


The electrodes are placed on the skin of the affected body part. A device called interferential current device then transmits electrical impulses through the skin. The underlying nerves and tissues are stimulated which initiates the healing process. The frequencies produced by the IFC stimulate endorphins, the natural: painkillers of the body. Thus, self-healing process of the body is initiated without the aid of any medicines. This therapy is useful in treating edema, spasms, reducing inflammation, and spasms. Interferential therapy can be used to cure Back, Neck, Shoulder and Knee injuries or problems, Fibromyalgia, Joint injuries, Overuse injuries and surgical procedures, Edema, Inflammation, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Tennis Elbow, and Sports Injuries. The Interferential Therapy machine Price in India varies as per the brand and features.


  1. It is safe and initiates the healing process in the body
  2. It is not essential for the patients to have an intact sensation
  3. Patients can move while having this treatment. In some cases, exercise is recommended to increase the healing process.
  4. A large area can be treated with the help of perfect electrode placement.
  5. Even the deep-seated liaisons can be treated effectively.


  1. Infective condition due to the stimulations of the blood vessels.
  2. Arterial disease.
  3. Acute danger of haemorrhage.
  4. Malignancy.

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