Diathermy Machines-the Boon for Physiotherapy

Diathermy is an ultimate boon for physiotherapy, because it integrates electrically induced heat to affected areas in surgical procedures, for therapeutic purposes. It is not only used in physical therapy, but also occupational therapy to induce moderate heating to deeper tissues. Electrosurgery is the informal name for surgical diathermy and it is a rising star in the physiotherapy industry. India, the country always eager to get a slice of rapidly changing technology manufactures and sells diathermy equipment. Diathermy machine manufacturers produce equipment that caters to all three types- shortwave, microwave, and ultrasound.

Shortwave machines have a wavelength of 11 meters, and ISM band frequencies of 13.56, 27.12, and 40.68 Megahertz. They include placing two inductor coils or capacitor plates on either side of the aching muscle or tissue. They are charged by the high electric current to produce heat that gets absorbed by the tissues. It is used for places that are coated with heavy tissue mass, like the hip. It localizes deep inflammatory processes such as pelvic inflammatory disease. It can also be used for hyperthermia therapy, like an immunity enhancer in cancer treatment. Shortwave machines effectively treat kidney stones, sprains, strains, bursitis and tenosynovitis.

Therapeutic Ultrasound makes use of high-frequency acoustic vibrations to generate heat between tissues. The sound vibrations can be focused at one point, to solve the problem of sensitivity amongst the tissues. Diathermy machines in India, which produce ultrasound are used extensively in hospitals to promote blood flow in the affected area. It treats musculoskeletal sprains, joint contractures or adhesions, neuromas, and muscle spasms.

Microwave machines make use of short-ranged, intensely-focused microwaves or radio waves. These waves are penetrated on the affected area form a ranger shorter than shortwave, at a frequency of 300 MHz and a wavelength lesser than 1 meter. It is found that the effect of microwaves increases at 434 and 915 MHz. The use of microwave diathermy in oncology is crucial as it manages superficial tumors like a breeze. It is also used to produce a high temperature to destroy warts, infected tissues and neoplasms, which is called hyperthermia therapy.
Surgical diathermy cauterizes blood vessels to reduce excessive bleeding, making this technique precious for neurosurgery and eye surgery.
Techniques such as diathermy that are used to further the techniques of physiotherapy have revolutionized the field. The advancement in electromagnetism has helped in building devices which provide relief of all kinds to ailing patients. It is a matter of great pride for India to be a part of this ever-changing technology

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