Having chronic health conditions stabilized with proper medical equipments

With age, there could emerge several types of health related issues, which can probably include several types of health related chronic conditions often requiring regular health care. In such a case, it becomes essential for the person to comply properly with the recommendations prescribed by the caregivers and physicians. It might include medication intake on a regular basis, scheduled testing and routine medical checkups. Be it chronic medical condition such as hypertension or diabetes or issues related to anxiety, sleep, etc., it is quite necessary to adhere to the suggestions and advice offered by caregivers and physicians which is termed to be absolutely essential.

medical treatment instrument

Few challenges that are faced by caregivers

There are several challenges that caregivers are required to face when meeting compliance is concerned. One major challenge is termed to be seniors who may refuse or avoid complying with the medical recommended treatment. Hence, it becomes a challenging task for providing timely  care to the elderly, those suffering from chronic health conditions, the reason because, such people generally prefer their independence, while not be interested to take medications. If the patient is seen not to fill his medication that has been prescribed by the medical practitioner or neglect in completing the recommended dosage, non-compliance could take place. At the same time, it is essential to know about the different medical treatment instrument that would be necessary for carrying out the treatment in an appropriate manner.

Few non-compliance reasons

Non-compliance, especially in case of seniors, with regards to recommended medical procedure or treatment may occur because of various reasons like:

  • Forgetful nature: A main reason why timely medication is not taken up by senior citizens is considered to be their forgetful nature. They miss out on their medical tests and checkups. Moreover, their ability to remember things could probably be reduced due to aging process. Having proper medical alert system can help the seniors to ensure that such important things are not missed out.
  • Non-belief: The other reason why non- compliance is more among seniors is because, they may not of the belief that the drug taken by them might not be providing the required results.
  • Side effects: They could probably fear about the side effects which may come with certain medication, leading to non-compliance.
  • Multiple medications and prescriptions: Since the senior citizens generally get crowded with various medications which required to be taken, it is quite common for non-compliance.

Following certain things can help the seniors to enjoy good health and ensure that they comply with the different requirements and recommendations of their physicians.

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