What Are Knee Braces?

Knee braces refer to supports for knees meant to treat injured or painful knees. Some are used for preventing injury during sporting activities.

Knee braces are made with a combination of rigid and flexible material- metal, plastic and other strong material for support and structure and mouldable foam or synthetic rubber for positioning and padding. They come in various colours, designs and sizes.

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There are four major types of knee braces:

  • Functional: Support knees that have been injured.
  • Prophylactic braces: Help protect knees from injury during intense activity like sports.
  • Unloaded braces: designed to give relief for arthritis.
  • Rehabilitative braces: They limit harmful movement of knees while they are recovering from injury.

Different knee problems require different knee braces. This depends on the advice of the doctor. You can get knee braces from pharmacies, hospitals and medical supply stores. You can even buy knee support online. Your doctor can advise you even about the source of braces. Medical advice is also vital for proper wearing of brace as braces that are poorly positioned can hurt rather than help you.

Maintaining the braces requires you to examine them regularly for wear and tear. Fabric brace must be washed regularly with soap and water. For maximum use, a worn out brace should be replaced. Durable braces may be costly but last long.

The effectiveness of knee braces is much debated in medical circles. But most recognize that they are only have a partial role to treat pain or injury. They can only supplement medicines and exercise. Stretching and strengthening are more important.

One must alter training intensity or schedule, little by little to reduce stress to the knees. Flexibility and strength are vital for reducing knee stress and injury. One should consult the doctor for an ideal exercise program.  A knee brace should never become a crutch.

 A knee brace is most commonly used to treat osteoarthritis. It can take away the pressure off the joints most affected by arthritis and help reduce pain. If you sense your knees buckling from pain, a brace will help support you when you stand or move around.

Some risks of knee braces are discomfort while wearing the brace, swelling or skin irritation, and lack of any usefulness. But most people benefit from knee braces, especially under medical supervision.

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